About us

We are a group of the whole world that is praised by Christ Jesus

We are a group of the whole world that is praised by Christ Jesus, We do what the one who sent us wants, We submit what he sent us to you and your people, Our purpose is to make known the true way to heaven, We care about the well-being of every human being,

Accomplishing the responsibilities and counseling and finances we need is enabled by God and we cooperate with Government Agencies and Religious Leaders, Prophets, Apostles of Jesus Christ and Pastors and Shepherds, Teachers and Elders and Old Women, Artists and Investors, Entrepreneurs and others. ...

We focus on the definition of KNOWING and BELIEVING in JESUS ​​Christ, we focus on the economic inequality of humanity in the world often due to the person's birth, ignorance, gender, age, class, etc.,... It gives heaven and prosperity to everyone, We are a worldwide team of God's Holy Spirit, Scholars, Scholars, Believers, Multidisciplinary Professionals, Multidisciplinary Leaders, Engineers, Advocates, and Others,....

We plan to work in all countries around the world to transform bold ideas into sustainable solutions that inspire hope in God's heaven, and promote better health and well-being for all.

The name Galilee is girl's name meaning "the province". Galilee is a highly unusual place name, Galilee being a large region in northern Israel, the home of Jesus during at least thirty years of his life, and also where he cured a blind man. The Sea of Galilee gets its name from the area.

Galilee, Hebrew Ha-galil, northernmost region of ancient Palestine, corresponding to modern northern Israel.

According to the Bible, the Galilee was where Jesus felt at home. This is where he grew up, where his ministry began - away from the Roman authorities in Jerusalem - and where he performed many miracles. The Galilee remains one of the most beautiful regions in Israel, rich in Christian landmarks and history.

The fabled Sea of Galilee is where Christians believe Jesus walked on water, calmed the storm, and made Peter and Andrew into “fishers of men.” It's where John the Baptist baptized Jesus. And it's where Jesus fed the masses with a few loaves and fish and gave his Sermon on the Mount.



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